Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stone layouts complete.

On Wednesday 3/6, I headed over to InTown Design to finalize the counter top layouts after Guy templated the cabinets on Tuesday 3/5.  Here are some crappy pics of the slabs.

This will be the island top.  I placed the cardboard cut-outs of the guest bathroom sinks in the space where the kitchen sink will be, just for visuals.  These slabs of White Ice are much more spectacular in person than they are in these pics.

Here are the outlines of the main "L" of cabinets (upper left and lower right) as well as the drop zone cabinet (lower left).

Another shot of the island, this time without cardboard cut-outs.

And here is the real reason I made the cut-outs: the magnificent Danby Montclair marble for the guest bathroom vanity.  We wanted to lose as little of the beauty and uniqueness of this (half) slab as possible, so I goofed around with the sink placement until I was satisfied.

Here it is without the cardboard blocking the cuts.  Some nice stone will be lost, but in the end, we will have captured the best parts of this rem.

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