Chugging along in spite of the deep freeze. But Mother Nature? Lighten up, please.
Most of the floor and wall tile was delivered by our friends at Lowes on Thursday 1/23. We purchased certain accent & backsplash items elsewhere, and those will be brought over to the site when the time comes.
Tile setters put all the backer board in place.
Laundry closet.
This is the backer board. In the showers, it will be taped and sealed up with RedGard to form a virtually impenetrable barrier to moisture.
Here is the PVC membrane in the master shower base.
Our beautiful mahogany front door arrived too! Here is the spec sheet.
And here is the door! Crappy pic - it is on it's side in the garage, and I was so excited that I guess I was shaking a little. It is 3'6" wide x 8'0" tall, solid mahogany. Four hinges! This is the inside side, so to speak.
Finishing instructions. We will take good care of this gorgeous beast!
Tile is down! Here's the Mitte Gray in the master bathroom. 12x24 in brick lay pattern.
Laundry closet. Gino Gray 16x16. This is great tile - up close is has a sort of linen-like pattern, really good looking.
More Gino Gray in the guest bathroom.
And this beautiful stuff is Ivetta Black, 6x24. We're using it in the drop zone and for the fireplace hearth. It is modeled after natural slate, with lots of color & pattern variation, and a very pleasing rough texture. It is really nice!
Drop zone still. They crew laid it down in a very random style, no pattern. That was Mark's suggestion, and as always, it was a good one!
This end of the drop zone floor will end up covered by a cabinet seems a shame to cover up such pretty tile!