Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Framing: Final stages.

Wicked cold today, but the guys accomplished a lot...Including stairs! Sure beats climbing the ladder.

One of the closets in the bonus room.

The other closet, abutting the closet of the 3rd bedroom.

Yaaay, stairs!!

Yaaaay, stairs!!

Yaaaay, winder stairs!!  Love 'em.  Crappy blurry pic tho.

Four room openings on the 1st floor were furred down to 8ft from the 9ft header to allow for better balance between the casing and crown molding.  Wait 'til you see the casing!

Our little house in the big woods.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Shingles installed!

A while back we had the opportunity to choose the shingles for our new home.  30 year architectural.  We decided that the Owens Corning Oakridge "Driftwood" product would be perfect on this house.  Today, November 25th, the shingles were insalled.  We think they look great!

It's a very nice looking product!

Looking down at the screen porch roof where it meets the roof outside the family room.

In other news, the framers had to make a few adjustments to the master bathroom and neighboring spaces in order to center the windows with the gable above.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

All good.

More snaps, from 11.23.

Screened porch roof detail.

The master bump-out views.

Corner of the wrap-around porch, from above.  It'll be finished with a standing seam metal roof.

Stick-built and loving it.

Long view, from about lot #20.  Oscar just ahead, and Eli waaaay down range.

Osckie got a big ol' butt (oh yeah!)

A shot from about halfway to the back of the back yard.

A shot from about three quarters of the way back in the back yard.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Framing: Week 5.

Nearly there now.  This week they finished up a lot of the interior framing, and started on the porches and roof details.  As with previous posts, the pics below are in chronological order (oldest top, most recent bottom).

Front wrap-around porch early on.

Roof, rafters, and trusses in the master bedroom; gives a rough idea of how the lofting will look.

They had to complete the wrap-around porch before they could frame out the master bedroom "bump-out" sitting area.

Another view of the bumped-out sitting area.  It will be a very comfy, sunny space in which to relax!

Front porch roof framing.  The ceilings of both porches will be finished with stained knotty spruce, which is a very beautiful look.  The support pillars will be cased in MiraTEC and painted (white) to match the rest of the trim.

Some plumbing supplies showed up on Friday 11.22!

Some of the roof/soffit/fascia details that make this house so beautiful.

Our little farmhouse among the pines!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Framing: Week 4.

Steady progress again this week.  The pics in this post are sorted from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom.  I was hoping that the crew would have the entire roof sheathed by today (Saturday 11.16), but we've had some weather delays.

Such interesting roof lines.  Every side of this home has visual flair and unique lines.

Roofing felt is applied in a couple of areas.

Visually pleasing!  LOVE the shed dormer.

Bonus room over garage.

Inside view of the shed dormer in the bonus room.

Holy rafters, Batman!

Looking out of the bonus room toward the street.  There will be three windows in this opening.

Looking out the front of the bonus room toward the stairway (under the slanted roof) and the master bedroom beyond.  This shot was taken today, 11.16.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Framing: Week 3, cont'd.

Rafters over master bedroom have been installed. A bunch of other, less obvious framing work was completed as well. Barring weather delays, we expect framing to conclude in about two weeks.

In addition to the three windows already framed in, the master bedroom will have a cluster of smaller windows up in the gable.